Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Commercial Ideas

For 20-30 second commercial:

1.  Have Hansel and Gretal being rescued by little Red Riding Hood -
I would hand draw everything and manipulate everything in photoshop.

2. The History of Red's Rescues - with typography and a voice over

3. An ad for Red's Rescues mobile app.- talking about the specs and the rescuing

4. Have the big bad wolf talk about how Red's Rescues changed his world and how he is no longer kidnapping or eating the elderly

5. ummmmmm Testimonial from Agent 626 about what is like on a daily basis to be part of the company

Evalutating Commercials

Old Spice
By far this is one of my favorite commercials ever, I am actually parodying it for my intro to sound, image and motion right now.  It is just a funny live action commercial that instantly gets your attentions and holds it because of how silly it is. I think it is a very successful commercial because it is so memorable and now every time I think of Old Spice I think of a tall dark handsome man with a very very confidence infused voice.

Playtex Bras
This is one of the few commercials that has real looking women, not fake supermodel looking girls. It is a playful commercial actually advertising a product that many many people especially women use. This commercial also gave a solution to a problem that we also suffer through about how are bra straps keep falling. I think it is a successful commercial, but at the same time as I went to go search for the commercial I couldn't remember what the product was actually called.

Kia Soul Commercial
This is a very very distracting commercial. At first I thought it was just another commercial for a shooting video game, but was thrown off by the dancing hamsters. They include a fun song, and cute critters, but it doesn't really tell me anything about the car. I couldn't even remember the name of the car company that did it. So fun commercial and it sticks with you, it is just a shame that the product doesn't.

Allstate Commercial
The mayhem commercials have been pretty memorable. They feature the same spokesman acting as various kinds of people, creatures, and general things that could cause harm to your home and car. They are definitely informative, giving facts and statistics that apply to each situation.

Head On
The most annoying conversation known to man. I hate it soooo much, but at the same time they were very clever with the repetitive slogan because it does make it stick with you all day, every day, even years later when they are no longer running that commercial.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


First business card sketch:

Second Sketch:
Top is the front
Bottom is the back

Sketch three:

Sketch four:
Sketch Five:
Top is front
Bottom is back

Sunday, October 16, 2011


1) What is your business?
       Rescuing service and beast slaying

2) Describe your business in one sentence
Our girls rescue lost or trapped individuals

3) Who is your target audience?
Young children and teenagers who lose their way.

4) Who are your competitors?
There is no real other business like us, but the police, fire department, and exterminators can interfere

5) What makes them better/worse than your product/service?
Worse: The police and others aren't specifically trained to fight dragons, wolves, and other creatures that go bump in the night.
Better: We unfortunately don't have as many agents to deploy on missions.

6) Do you currently have an identity? (This is more for companies that are already established and you’re just revamping the logo/corporate identity. If you have a new company or product, skip this question.)
Why is this important: If you’re an established company with a well-known logo, you may not want to deviate too extremely from it.

7) (If your answer to #6 is no, skip this question) What do you like about it and what don’t you like about it?
Why is this important? Even if you plan to change the logo entirely, it’s good to keep an inventory about what specifically worked and didn’t work about your previous design in order to inform the new one.

8) How do you want your image to be seen in two years?
As a respectable source for help solving your creature needs

9) If your company was an animal, what animal would it be and why?
In our line of work most animals are the source of the problem, we wouldn't necessarily want to be associated with anything but slaying them.

10) If your company/brand was a person, who would it be and why?
We stylize ourselves after the courageous Red Riding Hood who kept on the path to granny's and didn't run even though she knew it wasn't really granny in bed. (Also the woodsman who helped cut up and slay the evil wolf)

11) If your company/brand was an object, what would it be?
      The blazing red cape that strikes fear into all canines/

12) If your customer was a cartoon character, who would it be?
Hansel and Gretel, or any naive children that happen to get lost and find themselves tempted down the wrong path.

Monday, September 19, 2011

New Assignment

We have a new assignment in class. We get to create some awesome vector art. Our picture has to depict a word, but I love how portraits look as vector art so I think I will focus mostly on that aspect of it. I will probably do a self portrait.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Final Logo

 I finished my logo. I like it but I don't love it. I love the font, its girly and the R mirrors to the hood. The hood is more cartoony and doesn't instantly remind me of the grim reaper. 

Original Sketches.  That I used to help me with the final logo. 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Calligramme Assignment

I am sensing a running theme forming for this class . . . 
I actually want to make more of these different poses and way of making the figure. I feel like I would sketch it out first and then go over it with the pen tool.  When I have time I will try to accomplish this.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Quick Sketches

Here are a few of my quick sketches for my new business Red's Rescues. 
In order from favorite to most hated:

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Time to dissect a logo

Lion Bird created by Nashifan
 I fell in love with this logo. Wait let me clarify I love the art for this piece. I love how they used a single image of a bird but the way the bird is our eyes instantly fill in lion face.  The only thing I didn't like about this logo was the text at the bottom I feel like the image itself was strong enough on its own.

Ghostbusters logo do not own 

The ghostbusters logo is instantly recognizable. The contrast of colors is extremely dynamic and eye catching. It has become so well known in our culture that we don't need to have the name of the company around the logo.

Mooby's ad featured in the ViewAskiew Universe

The Mooby's logo is from the fake company featured in many Kevin Smith movies.  This is one of the few ads that I think that they need the image and the photo. Mooby's is a fictional fast food place targeted towards everyone but the childlike image is clearly geared towards children. 

Moe's Southwest Grill

I have noticed that pretty much all fast food places have either red or yellow and sometimes both.  I read up and apparently it is because these colors make you hungry.  I do like all the warm colors in this piece and black outline really makes the name stand out.

Pixar Animated Studio's logo
 I love how playful the pixar logo is, and how they incorporated a bit of their history into it as well.  The lamp was from one of the first short films they created Luxo Jr.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

If I could start a business about anything what would it be

So as part of my first assignment in my digital arts class I must come up with about 5 idea of different companies that I can see myself creating designs for. Sure, sounds simple enough . . .

1. RSM Graphics
2. Red's Rescues
3. The Doll Enchantments
4. The Bakery
5. Every Little Thing Store

So off the top of my head I thought of doing something more realistic and practical, making art stuff for me and try to brand RSM Graphics to be more than just all my emails.  I have a place holder type design but I am not sure if I am completely in love with it. So that would be fun to work on a logo that I could later transfer from online to print. 

Then I also got the interesting idea of maybe doing something like Red's Rescue.  The whole thing would be that Little Red Riding Hood and her team of fierce cape wearing do-gooders would rescue you from evil creatures.  So if you have a problem with wolfs, bears, and/or fire breathing dragons they will come to your aid and take them out. 

(That idea is my favorite.) 

Then I was also thinking about doing something creepy (well creepy to others) and having a doll shop. I would take normal looking ball jointed dolls and manipulate them to look scary and expand on that by adding the doll houses.  Oh even better take a cue from the anime world and create a store that will turn your beloved doll or child hood companion and enchant them to do certain things. Each level on enchantment would be priced hirer than the last but this would allow the person purchasing them to choose if they want their beloved childhood ballerina Barbie to have a personality of her own or sing out your favorite songs like an ipod, yeah I think I like this idea better. 

Then after those brilliant ideas I completely tapped out of mana and had to restart the whole mission. That's when the mediocre ideas came to to mind; such as a bakery and an Every Little Thing store. The bakery would be able to make you anything you want in the whole world and be able to ship it there too, WITH  a personal caroler that will sing out a lovely little tune.  The Every Little Thing store would be a physical local where they sell everything; however, even though they might sell everything known to man there is no guarantee that they could instantly find it in their backroom so they might have to actually ship you the item two to three days later. 

Now that I typed all these out again I can't decide which company I want to create. I really like the little red riding hood idea as well as the doll enchantments.  I already have an imagine in mind for Red's logo but I do have a doll that could possibly help me out with future projects for the doll enchantments. I think I am going to sketch a little and play around with stuff before I truly decide. 

(I just read this over again and I realized I write exactly how I speak, that's probably not a good thing)

Monday, August 29, 2011

Why hello there

So the purpose of this blog is really for my beginning digital art class but I am hoping to continue it to be something more. What that something is I am not even sure of yet. 

But I guess I should write a little about myself now shouldn't I? (I spend most of my time working out all my thoughts by voicing them. I swear it isn't mumbling or psychotic.) 

I am the only daughter. The only granddaughter. The middle child.  
I have two brothers. One ten years older. One ten years younger. 

I was left to my own devices. I picked up a pencil, charcoal stick, marker, pastel, anything that would leave an impression on paper and began to create. I write html and its dialects. I have worked with Dreamweaver, Flash, Illustrator, Indesign, and Photoshop.  

I consider myself an artist of all trades. I don't know what I officially want to do once I graduate but I do know that the list of options will be limitless.