So as part of my first assignment in my digital arts class I must come up with about 5 idea of different companies that I can see myself creating designs for. Sure, sounds simple enough . . .
1. RSM Graphics
2. Red's Rescues
3. The Doll Enchantments
4. The Bakery
5. Every Little Thing Store
1. RSM Graphics
2. Red's Rescues
3. The Doll Enchantments
4. The Bakery
5. Every Little Thing Store
So off the top of my head I thought of doing something more realistic and practical, making art stuff for me and try to brand RSM Graphics to be more than just all my emails. I have a place holder type design but I am not sure if I am completely in love with it. So that would be fun to work on a logo that I could later transfer from online to print.
Then I also got the interesting idea of maybe doing something like Red's Rescue. The whole thing would be that Little Red Riding Hood and her team of fierce cape wearing do-gooders would rescue you from evil creatures. So if you have a problem with wolfs, bears, and/or fire breathing dragons they will come to your aid and take them out.
(That idea is my favorite.)
Then I was also thinking about doing something creepy (well creepy to others) and having a doll shop. I would take normal looking ball jointed dolls and manipulate them to look scary and expand on that by adding the doll houses. Oh even better take a cue from the anime world and create a store that will turn your beloved doll or child hood companion and enchant them to do certain things. Each level on enchantment would be priced hirer than the last but this would allow the person purchasing them to choose if they want their beloved childhood ballerina Barbie to have a personality of her own or sing out your favorite songs like an ipod, yeah I think I like this idea better.
Then after those brilliant ideas I completely tapped out of mana and had to restart the whole mission. That's when the mediocre ideas came to to mind; such as a bakery and an Every Little Thing store. The bakery would be able to make you anything you want in the whole world and be able to ship it there too, WITH a personal caroler that will sing out a lovely little tune. The Every Little Thing store would be a physical local where they sell everything; however, even though they might sell everything known to man there is no guarantee that they could instantly find it in their backroom so they might have to actually ship you the item two to three days later.
Now that I typed all these out again I can't decide which company I want to create. I really like the little red riding hood idea as well as the doll enchantments. I already have an imagine in mind for Red's logo but I do have a doll that could possibly help me out with future projects for the doll enchantments. I think I am going to sketch a little and play around with stuff before I truly decide.
(I just read this over again and I realized I write exactly how I speak, that's probably not a good thing)
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